Programming Club Logo

California University of Pennsylvania Programming Club

What is Programing Club?

The Programming Club is a Club that is focused on helping students with programming and show the programming does not always have to be challengeing. We try to reach these goals through weekly meetings and through our Discord which is open to everyone.

How to Join!

Just attend one of our Thursday meetings and instantly become a member for the semester.

History of the Programming Club

Created in 2019. 4 of the Founding officers founded the club due to the fact that they noticed no single way for computer science kids to hang out with other computer sceince students. The club started strong by the creation of our discord. We had guest speakers from US Steel come in. Then, Covid hit. The club was able to sucessfully go online through Zoom meetings. After we where able to come back to school. We created the Programming Club Instagram to grow our audience. Then, we created our first Discord bot which had the ability to allow members to select their role, see Professors information, and moderate the channel. After the bot was made we created the Dev Commitee to help with projects. The goal was to have the meetingss to learn and the commitee to create projects. The website was then created as the first project the Dev Commitee Completed. Which leads us to today.